HAProxyLB Keepalived Setup for Percona Cluster HA
  • 27 Feb 2023
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HAProxyLB Keepalived Setup for Percona Cluster HA

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Article summary

Implementing load balancer solutions for MySQL high availability by integrating it with Keepalived, HAProxy. The following are the actions associated with Keepalived, HAProxy, and VIP.

  • Keepalived: It uses a Linux virtual server (LVS) to perform load balancing and failover tasks.
  • HAProxy: It performs load balancing and high-availability services to TCP and HTTP applications.
  • VIP: Virtual IP addresses (or VIPs) allows you to use multiple IPs on a single physical network interface.
MySQL Percona Xtradb Cluster is configured with Keepalived and HAProxy in 2-Nodes. The following are two nodes:
  • Node1: (Percona-Cluster + Keepalived + HAProxy-Master-LB1)
  • Node2: (Percona-Cluster + Keepalived + HAProxy-Backup-LB2)
  • VIP (Floating IP): (Ensure this IP is available with subnet)
  • OS: Cent7.x

Architecture Design

The following illustrates the Architecture design:


Description automatically generated

To allow HAProxy to bind to the shared IP address, you need to add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:

You require admin privileges to perform this as these are system core files.

vi /etc/sysctl.conf (at EOF, add below the line)


Save and close the file, and run the following command:

sysctl -p

Install and Configure Keepalived on both LB-Nodes

The following are the steps to install and configure Keepalived on both LB Nodes:

  1. Install Keepalived using the following command:
    yum install keepalived
  2. Verify the first ethernet/wireless interface using the following command For Example, eth0, eth1, wlp6s0 wlp6s1
    ip a 
  3. Start the keepalived service
    systemctl start keepalived.service
  4. Enable keepalived service to run on boot. systemctl enable keepalived. servic

Node-1: Master Server-LB1-Configurations

To configure Master ServerLB1:

  1. Go to keepalived configuration directory:
    cd /etc/keepalived/
  2. Back up the original keepalived file
    mv keepalived.conf keepalived.conf.bak
  3. Create a new keepalived configuration file and add the following details:
    nano keepalived.conf

Configuration file for keepalived

vrrp_instance V1_1 {

state MASTER

interface eth0

virtual_router_id 51

priority 101

advert_int 1

authentication {

auth_type  bigboss



virtual_ipaddress {

dev eth0 label eth0:1


# track_script {

# chk_haproxy

# }


Alter the virtual IP.
  1. Restart the keepalived service:
    systemctl restart keepalived.service
  2. Verify the status of the Keepalived service:
    service keepalived status
  3. Verify whether the virtual IP address is either assigned or not assigned using the following command:
    ip a

Node-2: Backup Server-LB2-Configurations

To configure backup server LB2:

  1. Go to keepalived configuration directory:
    cd /etc/keepalived/
  2. Backup the original keepalived file:
    mv keepalived.conf keepalived.conf.bak
  3. Create a new keepalived configuration file and add the following details:
    nano keepalived.conf

Configuration file for keepalived

vrrp_instance V1_1 {

state BACKUP

interface eth0

virtual_router_id 51

priority 100

advert_int 1

authentication {

auth_type  bigboss

auth_pass passw0rd


 virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0 label eth0:1


#track_script {


# }


Alter the virtual IP of yours
  1. Restart the keepalived service:
    systemctl restart keepalived.service
  2. Verify the status of keepalived service:
    service keepalived status
Now perform one round of testing by stopping Master-Node keepalived.service and verify whether the VIP gets switched to Backup-Node.

Install and Configure HAProxy on both LB-Nodes

1. To install and configure HAProxy on both LB Nodes:

2. Use the following command to install the HAProxy service:

yum install haproxy

3. Go to the HAProxy configuration directory:

cd /etc/haproxy

4. Backup original HAProxy configuration file:

mv haproxy.cfg haproxy.cfg.bak

5. Create a new haproxy configuration file and add the following details:

nano haproxy.cfg


log local0

log local1 notice


maxconn 4096

user haproxy

group haproxy


log global

mode http

option tcplog

option dontlognull

retries 3

maxconn 2000

timeout connect 3000

timeout server 50000

timeout client 50000

listen stats


stats enable

stats hide-version

stats uri /stats

stats refresh 10s

stats auth statadmin:statadminpass

listen mysql-cluster


mode tcp

option tcp-check

balance roundrobin

server node-1 check

server node-2 check

Here the bind address is the virtual IP, and we are adding port 5306 to listen to server node-1 and server node-2 are Percona ClusteServer IPs.

6. Save and close the file, open the keepalive configuration file on both servers & add the below para

nano /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

vrrp_script chk_haproxy {

script "killall -0 haproxy" # to check haproxy process

&interval 2 # every 2 seconds

weight 2 # add 2 datapoints id OK


7. Uncomment the below para from keepalived.conf configuration file:

track_script { 



8. Save and close the file.

9. Restart the keepalived service and ensure to perform this in the Master Node first:

systemctl restart keepalived.service

10. Restart the haproxy service. Make sure to perform this in Master-Node first

systemctl restart haproxy.service

11. Verify the haproxy service status. Make sure to perform this in Master-Node first

systemctl status haproxy.service

If you find any issues in starting HAProxy Service, execute the below command:

setsebool -P haproxy_connect_any=1

Allow required ports from the system firewall for communication between servers (5306, 3306, 80 etc.)

HA-Proxy Statistics

You might have noticed that we have used the options stats enable and stats auth someuser:somepassword in the HAProxy configuration.

This allows us to access (password-protected) HAProxy statistics under the URL

If you do not need the statistics, just comment or remove the stats lines from the HAProxy configuration.

DB configuration in the application





Where we are using the DB connection URL as VIP address and port, we configured it in the mysql-cluster section of HAProxy configuration.

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