Report: Load Testing
  • 22 Aug 2024
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Report: Load Testing

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Article summary


The objective of the stress testing is to evaluate the performance and stability of the CrossIdentity IAM solution in an on-premises environment under maximum expected load. This includes assessing the system's ability to manage high volumes of concurrent operations, process large data imports, and maintain user responsiveness without degradation in service quality.

CI On-PremiseDeployment Architecture

Below is the architecture of the Cross Identity solution’s on-premises deployment:

The stress testing aimed to validate each component’s performance under realistic and peak load scenarios, ensuring that the system can operate efficiently and reliably in anon-premises deployment. This setup would be particularly tested for its resilience against potential bottlenecks that could arise from any of these interconnected components.

Test Scenarios and Procedure

The scenarios designed to test the platform include:

  1. End User Logins: Testing the system’s capacity to handle a high volume of simultaneous user logins.

  2. SOT/AD User Import from HRM Systems: Evaluating the platform's ability to efficiently import large numbers of users from external HRM systems.

  3. CSV Imports for User Creation, Updates, and Termination: Checking the system's effectiveness in processing bulk operations for creating, updating, and terminating user accounts.

  4. Access Request and Approval Processes: Verifying how well the platform manages concurrent access requests and approvals.

  5. Review Campaign Execution: Assessing the system’s capability to execute access review campaigns involving multiple     entitlements per user.

  6. Account Reconciliation Tasks: Measuring the platform's ability to perform reconciliation tasks at scale.


The procedure for each scenario involves initiating tests sequentially with a detailed recording of key metrics such as transaction times, concurrency levels, and overall system responses. This structured approach helps in pinpointing areas of strength and potential bottlenecks, ensuring that the platform can sustain its performance even under peak operational stress.

Sr. No.



Concurrent Users

Actual Result


End User Logins to Cross-Identity

5000 users concurrently should be able to log in to Cross Identity.

5000* users

Concurrently 5000 users log in to the Cross Identity home page (Within a second)


SOT User Import from HRMS System

SOT import of 150,000+ users from HRMS System Import first 10,000 users in 3 mins and subsequent users accordingly.

30,000 users/  150,000 users

Started with 30,000 users and then a total of 150,000 users created in Cross Identity.


CSV user Import for new user creation

CSV import of 150000+ users. Start with Import of the first 30,000 users in 3 minutes and subsequent users accordingly.

30,000 users/  150,000 users

Started with 30,000 users and then150,000 users imported in Cross Identity.


CSV user Import for user update

CSV import of 150000+ users with updated records. Import the first 30,000 users in 3 minutes and subsequent users accordingly.

30,000 users/  150,000 users

Started with 30,000 users with modified records and then 150,000 users imported in Cross Identity.


CSV user Import for termination

CSV import of 150000+ users with status terminated. Import the first 30,000 users in 3 minutes and subsequent users accordingly.

30,000 users/  150,000 users

Started with 30,000 users with status terminated and then 150,000 users imported in Cross Identity. In the target application, it should disable the account and remove accesses.


Manual user creation

Ability to create 3000 users manually via user form in Cross Identity

3000 users

3000 users were created manually in Cross Identity within 5 minutes.


End User Access Request

3000 users should be able to request access across multiple applications concurrently for roles/entitlements in 10 seconds.

3000 users

3000 users should be able to request access across multiple applications concurrently.


Access Approval Process

3000 Approvers should be able to take action (Approve/Reject) on approval tasks concurrently in 5 seconds.

3000 Approvers

3000 Approvers should be able to take action


Generate Review Campaign

The administrator should be able to generate an Access Review Campaign for 3000 users within 5 minutes. Each user should have an average of 60 entitlements for review.

3000 review tasks

Review Campaign for 3000 users with 60 entitlements have been generated.


Perform action on Review Tasks

300 Reviewers should be able to do review tasks of 30 users with 60entitlement each within 10 secs simultaneously

300 Reviewers

300 Reviewers should be able to review 30 users with each user's 60 entitlements.


Application Reconciliation Response

6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements per minute - recon, compare without modification and processed

6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements reconciliation

Reconciliation of 3000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements


3000 Accounts and 15000 entitlement – evaluate policy and enforce entitlement, attribute changes

6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements reconciliation

Reconciliation of 3000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements


Adding Role to Users (Dynamic Role Assignment based on Location)

Dynamic Role assignment to users based on location

3000 users

Dynamic Roles are added to 3000 users


Target Provisioning for adding Dynamic Role to users

Account & Entitlements provisioning concurrently for 3000 users

3000 users

Account & Entitlements provisioning concurrently for 3000 users in target applications


Target Provisioning for adding Static Role to users

Account provisioning concurrently for 3000 user accounts in 3 minutes

3000 users

Account & Entitlements provisioning concurrently for 3000 users in target applications


End User Password Self-Service

Password Change of 3000 users within 15 mins

3000 users

Password reset of 3000 users


SSO - End User single sign-on to Application home page

Concurrently 3000 users should be able to log in to the application homepage in 3 seconds.

3000 users

3000 users can login to the Cross Identity home page


Generate Review Campaign & End User Logins

Administrator should be able to generate an Access Review Campaign for 3000users within 5 minutes. Each user should have an average of 60 entitlements for review. 3000 users concurrently should be able to log in to Cross Identity.

3000 users3000 review tasks

Review Campaign with 3000 review tasks are generated. Simultaneously 3000 users are able to login to the Cross Identity home page


SOT User Import & End User Logins

SOT import of 150,000+ users from HRMS system Import first 30,000 users in 3 mins and subsequent users accordingly.

3000 users concurrently should be able to log in to Cross Identity.

3000 users3000 review tasks

Started with 30,000 users and then a total of 150,000 users created in Cross Identity. Simultaneously 3000 users can login to the Cross Identity home page


Account Reconciliation & End User Logins

15000 Accounts per minute - recon, compare without modifying andprocessed).

Simultaneously 3000 users concurrently should be able to login to Cross Identity.

3000 users

Login to the Cross Identity home page


Generate Review Campaign & Account Reconciliation

The administrator should be able to generate an Access Review Campaign for 3000 users within 5 minutes. Each user should have an average of 60 entitlements for review.

Simultaneously 3000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements per minute - recon, compare without modification and processed).

3000 review tasks 6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements reconciliation

Review Campaign with 3000 review tasks are generated.


Access Approval Process & Account Reconciliation

300 Approvers should be able to take action (Approve/Reject) on approval tasks in 5 secs15000 Accounts per minute - recon, compare without modification and process).

6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements per minute - recon, compare without modifying and process)

300 Approvers 6000 Accounts and 15000 entitlements reconciliation

300 approvers should

*This is the peak concurrent users.

Concurrent user login toCross Identity

To test the capability of Cross Identity to handle a high volume of concurrent user logins.

• Number of Concurrent Users: 5000 users.

• Goal: All users should be able to log in concurrently, within a specific time frame (e.g., within one second).

Here is the graph depicting the stress test scenario for "Cross Identity" where 5000 users concurrently log in within a second. The graph shows a sharp spike at the 1-second mark, indicating the peak load of user logins, followed by a return to zero, which illustrates that this peak happens very briefly and precisely at that moment. This visualization helps in understanding the system's capacity to handle sudden high traffic.

Importing users from the HRMS

Here is the graph illustrating the stress test scenario for importing users from the HRMS system, specifically OrangeHRM, into Cross Identity. The graph display shows the first 10,000 users are imported within the first 3 minutes, followed by a consistent increase until reaching a total of 150,000 users by the 13th minute. This visualization helps demonstrate the system's capacity to handle large-scale user imports efficiently over time.

Access Request

Here's a graph showing the number of user access requests over time, from 0 to 10 seconds. The y-axis represents the number of users, ranging from 0 to 3000, and the data points are plotted at 2-second intervals.

Access Approval

Here’s the graph showing the access approval process, where 3000 approvers take action concurrently over 5 seconds. The x-axis represents the time intervals from 0 to 5 seconds, and the y-axis represents the number of approvers. This line graph shows the rapid increase in the number of approvers taking action, with increments every second.

Access Review

Here's the graph illustrating the review process over time, where 300 reviewers simultaneously review tasks of 30 users with 60 entitlements each within 10 seconds. The x-axis represents the time intervals from 0 to 10 seconds, and the y-axis represents the cumulative number of tasks reviewed. The graph shows a steady increase in the number of tasks reviewed, assuming a constant rate of review.


In summary, the stress testing underscores the Cross Identity platform’s capability to support an organization’s identity management requirements reliably and efficiently, even under stringent conditions. This testing forms a foundational part of preparing the platform for successful operational deployment, ensuring it meets both current and future demands.

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