Tenant Domain URL Change
  • 01 Sep 2023
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Tenant Domain URL Change

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Article summary

It is a checklist of tasks and considerations that need to be addressed when transitioning from one domain to another.

Sr. No.Cross IdentityDescription
1. CIDAgentGo to C:\CrossIdentity\CIAgent\webapps\CIDAgent\WEB-INF\classes and open the parameter.properties file. Update the Rest_Endpoint URL and the LIC_Endpoint URLs to the new tenant URL.
2.SAML Applications

Cross Identity metadata will be updated with the new tenant URL. Details are present in the Security > SAML IDP Details tab. Ensure to update this in the target to continue seamless SSO experience.

3.OAuth/ OIDC Applications
OAuth & OIDC endpoints must be updated with the new tenant URL, i.e., endpoints will remain the same, only the domain will change.
4.Soft token MFAUsers must re-register to the soft token MFA after the domain change.
5.Database Level Changes
The Cross Identity team will perform the activity.
6.Migration Scripts
The Cross Identity team will perform the activity.
7.Consumption Portal
Update the consumption dashboard URL to the new tenant domain URL, ensuring its accessibility and preventing any redirection to the previous URL.

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