Special Characters in Cross Identity Roles
  • 07 Jun 2024
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Special Characters in Cross Identity Roles

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Article summary

Cross Identity has some restrictions on using special characters in Role names i.e., while creating or modifying a role in CI.

Generally, it is recommended that usernames and group names start with a letter. Some systems may allow them to start with a digit or an underscore, but this can sometimes lead to compatibility issues with certain software.

List of special characters allowed:

· A – Z

· a - z

· 0 – 9

· ' . - _ ! # ^ ~&

Special characters other than dots, dashes, and underscores are generally discouraged and often not allowed because they might interfere with scripting and command-line parsing.

List of special characters restricted:

· ( ) { } [ ] / \ | " : ; < > , @ $ % *

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