Token Based Integration
  • 17 May 2023
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Token Based Integration

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Article summary

Diagram  Description automatically generated

The following are the steps:

  1. The user must log in to the Cross Identity application. The Cross Identity launch pad is displayed.
    A picture containing electronics  Description automatically generated
  2. In Cross Identity, the launchpad launches the Paytm KYC application and provides the user credential.
    Graphical user interface, application, email  Description automatically generated
  3. The request will be processed on the CI application server.
  4. CI server communicates with the Bank Auth API to obtain a valid Auth Code (Token).
  5. CI server will frame the KYC URL from DB and token. If a token is not obtained, an error message will be communicated.
  6. CI server will return the same URL/error_message in response to the launchpad.
  7. During URL creation, whatever additional parameters are required must be configured by admin from UI and accordingly appended in URL as query params.
  8. Launchpad will redirect the same URL to a new tab to launch the Paytm KYC Application. In case of an error message, it displays a popup stating, “The token is invalid. Please try again.”

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