SoD Violation
  • 17 Oct 2023
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SoD Violation

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Article summary

SoD violations occur when a person is authorized to perform certain functions that have been kept separate to prevent conflict or fraudulent activities.

For example: In a financial system, a breach of Segregation of Duties (SoD) could happen when a sole individual possesses the authority to initiate and authorize financial transactions. This absence of segregation may result in misuse, fraudulent activities, or inaccuracies.

On this window, you can review the SoD violations.

Pending SoD Violation Review Tasks

Delegate Policy

  1. Select a campaign to delegate. Click Delegate Policy.
  2. Search the user to whom the policy must be delegated.
  3. Click Delegate and the policy is delegated successfully.
  4. Click the Retrigger Review Task to initiate the review tasks again.
  5. Upon re-initiating the review, a mail notification will be sent to the owner and reviewer.

Approve/Revoke Policy

  1. Click on a policy.
  2. It shows the details of users who are a part of the violated policy.
  3.  Click + to expand and it gives the details of the violated access.
  4. Click Accept to go ahead with the violation and Reject to deny the violation.
  5. If you accept the violation:
    • Select the Rule Set for which the access should be suspended/deleted.
    • No. of Days: Duration of days post which access should be revoked.
    • Comment: Provide the justification to accept the violation.
    • Click Accept Violation to accept.
  6. If you reject the violation:
    • Choose the Revoke action.
    • Select the Rule Set for which the access should be suspended/deleted.
    • Justify to reject the violation.
    • Click Revoke Violation.

 Past SoD Violation Review Tasks

Gives a list of the SoD violation that happened in the past.

  1. Click on the policy.
  2. The users who are violating the policy will be shown here.
  3. Click + to view more details.

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