Entity Mapping
  • 27 Oct 2023
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Entity Mapping

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Article summary

This section describes a list of entities on the target application that are mapped to Cross Identity's Identity and Entitlement entity. 

For example, In connector:

App userPrincipalName entity is mapped to CI's Identity entity. 

Group/Roles entity is mapped to CI's Entitlement entity. 

Map Entitlements:

  1. Navigate to Entitlements.
  2. Click Entitlement Definition > Add Entitlement Definition.
  3. Enter the following details in the dialogue:
    Sr. No.Entitlement NameEntitlement KeyEntitlement Value
    1.Azure (could be any user-friendly name)  GroupGroup

  4. The entitlement key and value are checked in the connector to fetch group details. As per the schema defined, the group names and their members are fetched and will be displayed in the entitlement tab.
  5. Set schema details: In Connector, Attribute Name fields are used to fetch group names and members of that group from respective API responses. Attribute Display name is a user-defined display name. The mapped Attribute is mapped to the Display Name (as we are considering the Display Name as a unique key attribute) which represents the Group name, and the chosen will be displayed in the CI UI entitlement section.
    Sr. No.Attribute Name

    Attribute Display Name

    Mapped Attribute Marked Display
    1namegroupNameDisplay NameTrue
    2membermemberDisplay NameFalse

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