CIDSaas Migration
  • 27 Jul 2023
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CIDSaas Migration

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Article summary

This document will enable you to perform the Cross Identity Migration from the current sprint to the latest Sprint.

  1. Create a new folder with today's date in the application server and copy the new war file.
  2. Stop the application Tomcat service.
  3. Create the new backup folder inside today's date folder where you copied the new file.
  4. Take a backup of the CIDSaas folder from the tomcat and copy it to the backup folder.
  5. After taking the backup, delete the CIDSaas folder from Tomcat.
    The recommended version of Apache Tomcat Version 9.0.73
  6. Copy and paste the new war file inside the Tomcat-web apps and restart the Tomcat service.
  7. In Tomcat, a new CIDSaas folder will be created, go to the (CIDSaas/WEB-INF/classes) and change the and
    • (db details): This file holds the DB-Parameters, you need to encrypt all DB parameters (to do this you can use the file which is in CIDSaas source code via eclipse) encryption details before and after as shown below:
      Before encryption: url=jdbc:mysql:// user=testuser
      cred=Admin@123# poolsize=50

      After encryption: url=y93bS7VX6Z/WyKYMrEedx9mioTPg3gljgsiN61IClKoRpVYumVZx/D0LypyCo fGfYcq9Gh1i86Lq1CT1/gmuo3E=user=1dzKXPpJ9Z4=
      user=1dzKXPpJ9Z4= cred=4N3UQeF6od6Uhw== poolsize=50
      Please contact Cross Identity SPOC for the encryption of the data.
    • (log path): This file holds the custom logs, add the following tomcat log path: log4j.appender.file.File=/opt/cidserver/tomcat/apache- tomcat-9.0.73/logs/CIDSaas_myapp.log
  8. Configuration file context.xml can be located in /opt/cidserver/tomcat/apache- tomcat-9.0.73/conf/ directory to SET the DB (CIDAUDIT DB) JDBC connections.
    DB URL, DB name, DB username and DB password are all encrypted.
    Before Encryption:

    username="testuser" password="Admin@123#" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://"/>
    After Encryption:
    username="1dzKXPpJ9Z4===" password="1dzKXPpJ9Z4===" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url=" y93bS7VX6Z/WyKYMrEedx9mioTPg3gljgsiN61IClKoRt1M4mUw="/>
    Please contact Cross Identity SPOC for the encryption of the data.
  9. Restart the Tomcat service.

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