CIDNotification.war & Compactrecon.war update
  • 23 Jul 2024
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CIDNotification.war & Compactrecon.war update

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Article summary

CI-Notification service must be set up using a separate Tomcat service, where CIDSaas must be running, you can set up this with a standalone instance having CIDSaas, CIDNotification & Crossrecon.war or you can deploy Schedular Tomcat service along with CI-Server one of the nodes.

  1. Create a new folder with today's date in the agent server and copy the new CIDNotification.war & Crossrecon.war
  2. Stop the agent Tomcat service.
  3. Create the new backup folder inside today's date folder where you copied the new agent folder.
  4. Take a backup of the CIDNotification folder from the tomcat and copy it to the backup folder.
  5. After taking the backup, delete the CIDNotification folder from Tomcat.
  6. Change the server shutdown port from -1 to 9005 in the server.xml file of tomcat: <Server port="9005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  7. Uncomment the Connector port in the server.xml file of tomcat and alter the port:<Connector port="9009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
  8. Change the Tomcat default port:
    <Connector port="9080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="9443" />
  9. The CIDNotification.war files are to be deployed in the webapps directory of Tomcat.
  10. Update the following properties files from the said directory for CIDNotification.war.
  11. Update the following properties files from the said directory for Crossrecon.war.
    opt/cidserver/tomcat/schedular-tomcat-9.0.73/webapps/Crossrecon /WEB-INF/classes/
  12. Start the Tomcat services.

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