Administrator Users
  • 22 Sep 2024
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Administrator Users

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Article summary

Through the admin portal, it is now possible to manage admin users. The administrator can view the total number of administrators and the menu accesses granted to them. They can add, modify, suspend, or delete any other administrator as needed.

Moreover, the CI Administrator has the capability to create a new CI Admin by searching for the end-user and assigning the relevant menu items.

Login to the admin portal

  1. Open the end user Cross Identity URL.

  2. Enter the username and password.

  3. Click Go to Admin Console to login to the admin portal.

Add a new administrator

  1. Navigate to Manage Admin Users. The screen shows the profile of administrators that exists in Cross Identity.


    The administrator whose corresponding Created By field is blank is the first administrator added through the Client Creation portal. This will be the super administrator. You cannot suspend or delete the super administrator.

  2. Click Add and then click on Select User to open the search window.

  3. Enter the end-user details in the search field and choose the user from the results. 

  4. Click Proceed. It will pre-populate the user's information.

  5. Grant ability to manage admin users – Select if you want the new admin to Manage other Admin Users.

  6. Grant ability to SoD admin user: Select if you wish to have SoD access to an admin user.

  7. Menus accessible to administrator - From the right side options, check the menu items the new administrator must access.

  8. Click Add.


When you log in as an administrator for the first time, you will need to reset your default password to a new one.

View/Edit administrator

  1.  Select the username.

  2. Click View/Edit. The View/Edit Admin screen appears.

  3. Select/unselect the menu items the administrator should access.

  4. Click Save

Restore, Suspend and Delete administrators:

  1. You can Restore, Suspend and Delete administrators.

  2. Select the username you wish to restore, suspend or delete.

  3.  Select an appropriate option to restore, delete or suspend.

  4. When you Suspend/delete/restore an admin User, a pop-up appears to confirm the action.

  5. Click Suspend/delete/restore or Close to cancel the action.

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