Authentication Policy
  • 17 May 2024
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Authentication Policy

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Article summary


Whatever Identity provider is configured in the application it will be displayed to the user.

Any user certified for the IDP authentication policy will be authenticated against the mentioned IdP. This authentication policy takes over the CI Identity Store or Active Directory authentication policy.

Follow the below flow for the user when an IdP authentication policy is enabled:

  1. When a user hits the CI login URL, a user must get an option to enter the username in the new login page.

  2. If there is an active session in IdP for the user and if the authentication policy for the user is based on an IdP, it must take the user directly to the CI Landing page, else it must take the user to the IDP login page.

  3. After authentication, a user must be redirected to the landing page of CI.
    For example, if your authentication policy is Okta, it will redirect to Okta.

  1. If no IDP is enabled, then in that case you need a password. It redirects to the Password page.

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