Step-Up Authentication
  • 18 Feb 2025
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Step-Up Authentication

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Article summary

Step-up authentication is enabled for the SSO application through the admin launchpad. This authentication is triggered while accessing the application from the end user launchpad.

  1. On the Security screen of the Admin launchpad, click Multi-Factor Authentication.

    You can configure Step-Up authentication and frequency once or every time the user accesses the application.

  2. Select User to go through application-level, step-up authentication – Every time, to ensure that the user goes through Step-Up authentication every time they access the application.

  3. Select User to go through application-level, step-up authentication – Once, to ensure that the user goes through Step-Up authentication only once during a session before they access the application.

For more information on Step-up Authentication, refer to Security Questions and Reset Password.

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